951-351-1445 ext. 185


951-351-1445 ext. 185



Jungle Room

Age 2

During the toddler age, your child is learning quickly! At this age, your child is starting simple sentences, engaging in pretend play, and demonstrating a desire for independence.

We guide our two-year-olds in these areas


They are learning to connect with people around them.

They get excited with other children around them. They are more independent.


Two year old starts to sort shapes and colours.

They can complete sentences in familiar books, build towers with four or more blocks and can follow two-step instructions.


Expresses affection openly and wide range of emotions


Learning about God’s love for them

Rainbow Room

Age 3

Your child is learning quickly! At this age, your child is starting simple sentences, engaging in pretend play, and demonstrating a desire for independence.

We guide our three year olds in these areas


Growing in empathy towards others


Counting to 10 – Learn songs with numbers

Learning new words to increase vocabulary

Following one step directions


Verbalizing their needs by using words

Recognizing that they have emotions and expressing them through words


Learning Bible stories

Learning about trust in God and that God loves us unconditionally

Forest Room

Ages 4-5 Years

At four to five years of age, your child can now exhibit more self-control, while learning to regulate their emotions. They are ready to make new friends, and to learn, too.

We guide our four and five year olds in these areas


Increasing imaginative play

Taking turns and share

Understanding the concept of gender

Generating solutions to conflict: “I will give you this if you give that to me.”


Identifying their own name

Writing name on their art

Recognizing more letters and sounds

Counting to 20

Grouping according to 2 characteristics: Color & shape

Understanding number and space concepts: More, less, bigger, in, under, behind

Identifying colors and patterns


Recognizing different feelings

Developing empathy

Developing more confidence stating their needs and feelings


Recognizing that God, Jesus, and church are special

Understanding initial concept of God as Creator

Expressing thankfulness in prayer

Beginning to ask questions about God

Beginning to apply Bible stories/concepts to their life (honesty, love, kindness, etc.)


Sitting as part of an activity for 10-15 minutes

Gaining greater accuracy with scissors and writing utensils

Learning basic proper use of writing utensils

Helping with household tasks

Learning to dress themselves

Sample Schedule

07:00 – 8:00  Welcome – Free Play

8:00 – 8:30 Wash Hands/Potty/Morning Snack

8:30 – 9:00 Music & Movement/Worship/Story Circle

9:00 – 9:45 Outdoor play (Weather Permitting)

9:45 – 10:00 Walk around campus

10:00 – 10:30 Workshops – planned learning activity

10:30 – 11:15 Story Circle time

11:15 – 12:00 Lunch

12:00 – 12:30 Outdoor Play (Weather Permitting)

12:30 – 1:00 Prepare for Quiet time

1:00 – 3:00 Quiet rest time/nap

3:00 – 3:15 Afternoon Snack

3:15 – 4:15 Outdoor Center Time (Weather Permitting)

4:15 – 4:40 Story Circle

4:40 – 5:30 Center Time/Planned activities

*During free play, children are working at centers, such as Science, Math, Home Living, Reading, and Puzzles.